TenderBasic Cloud

Version 1.0


My Account



Add Machine


Register Machine ¹

Activation successful. Ready for step 2.

Machine is already registered. Ready for step 2.

Invalid activation code. Please verify your data and try again.


Enter Cloud PIN in the TenderBasic App​ ²

Requires TenderBasic App Version 2.3.4 or higher



¹ How to check if your machine is registered:

Option 1: Check in the TenderBasic App:

- Open TenderBasic App (v. 2.3.4 or higher)
- Sign in as Administrator
- Open Settings
- The status can be viewed in the TenderBasic Cloud Tab

A blue checkmark with the 'Available' label means that the machine is registered

Option 2: Check Registration Status 

- Enter the Machine ID above in step 3 to check the registration status

Machine is registered

Machine is not registered yet

² ​How to enter Cloud PIN:

- Open TenderBasic App (v. 2.3.4 or higher)
- Log in as Administrator
- Go to Settings -> Manage Cloud Users -> Add User
- Enter Cloud PIN

The new machine will show up in the Dashboard